Part A Affirmation Ceremony and Handing Over Ceremony

The Part A Affirmation Ceremony and Handing Over Ceremony will be held on 8 Apr (Fri). The Part A will receive 1 Participation point for this standard HQ NCC sanctioned activity.

There are MOE guidelines against using public funds for celebratory food. Platoons that are paying for the food/gifts, please make your payment ASAP. The S4 Spec will co-ordinate the fund collection.


Part A Camp FORGE will be held on 20 Apr (Wed). (This is a one-day adventure training event -- not a "camp".) Forms have already been given out to the Part A cadets.

Venue: HQ NCC, Amoy Quee Camp

Hand in your forms ASAP! All Part A are to report to school at 0700 h for the 0715 bus. This is a requirement for promotion to LCP. Please produce an MC or parent's letter if you are absent. The platoon sergeant will tell you more during the next training.