Meeting for CCA exhibition.

There will be a meeting for the upcoming CCA exhibition on the 30th of December (Friday), The location will be at the bubble tea shop, nearest to the Shing Siong supermarket. The time will be confirmed.

Part C shooting competition (21 Nov)

Part C, there will be a Live Range shooting competition. It is on the 21st November, Monday morning.

Part A and B shooting competition. (16 Nov)

There will be a shooting competition for Part A and B on the 16 November, Wednesday morning.

Part A and B PS is to inform and instruct the cadets on IMT techniques. This competition is counted towards the BUC.

Part A IMT (15 Jul)

Part A IMT will be held on 15 Jul (Fri). Note the change in timing as the teachers have decided to leave earlier for HQ activities from now on.

Dismiss from class: 11.30 am
Bus: 12.00 pm
Venue: Pasir Laba Camp
Back to school: 6.00 pm

Part A PS is to inform and instruct the cadets on IMT techniques. This exercise is counted towards the BUC.

CO on leave

The CO will be on leave from 5 July 2011 till December. 2LT Andy Ang will be the CO in LTA Phoa's absence.

LTA Phoa will continue to assist the unit as needed during this semester.

UG Day on 8 Jul (Fri)

The training on 8 Jul (Fri) is UG Day. All the uniformed groups in our school will gather together and learn about the skill sets of each UG.

Time: 2 pm to 6 pm
Meet at the atrium

NCC will be teaching IFC - Field Signals and Camouflage. NPCC will be teaching Field Cooking. GG/Scouts will be teaching knots and lashings. SJAB will be teaching First Aid - wounds. BB will be running an Amazing Race.

USM/ASM/S4 Spec are the prepare for the event.

Donation Cards

The following cadets are to return their donation cards to the school IMMEDIATELY. They are to hand over the cards and money personally to Mr Phoa, Mr Ang, Mr Chang or the General Office.

Part C: Hadzrul, Shamil

Cadets who do not return the donation cards to Mr Phoa by today are causing a great inconvenience to the unit. We are supposed to bank in the money before 30 Jun 2011. Therefore, cadets who do not return their cards on time may have their promotions delayed if they are unable to provide a satisfactory explanation.

2011 Nov Camp

The unit is intending to conduct a 3D2N Pulau Ubin Camp in Nov 2011. All three teacher officers will need to attend if this training is to take place. All cadets are to think about this and provide feedback.

Please give all feedback to Part C Melvin and Mr Phoa, who is teaching Melvin how to plan a major exercise.

NCC Day / SAF Day

1 July 2011 (Fri) is SAF Day / NCC Day. All NCC cadets are to wear their No.4 uniform to school to commemorate this. Please report for fitness programme at 0700 h if you are part of the programme. Do tell your teacher to be understanding as you are wearing No. 4 uniform.

There will be no morning NCC Day ceremonial parade. Please be in your classrooms for the SL presidential elections. The ASM will read the NCC Day message through the PA system.

We will have the afternoon NCC training as usual.

NCC 110 Road Relay (Updated)

Composition: 5 cadets and 1 teacher officer (Mr Phoa)
Distance: Damai Sec to Bedok Green Sec
Date: 23 June 2011 (Thur)
Time: 1030 (Damai Sec), approx 1159 (relay to Bedok Green), 1700 (HQ NCC)

USM/ASM is to remind participants to attend. We will take public transport to HQ NCC. Please inform your parents of the change accordingly.

Part A GPS Interactive Battle Trail

The Part A GPS Interactive Battle Trail will be held on 6 Jul (Wed). Dismiss at 11.30 am for the 12 pm bus. We will be back in school at 6 pm. The trail will start at Fort Canning and wind through the city. You may wear your No. 4 uniform to school.

Part A PS is to distribute consent forms and collect them ASAP. Part A PS is to brief the cadets on what to expect.

Part A Trainfire

The Part A Trainfire session is on 5 July (Tue). Dismiss from class at 12.30 pm for the 1 pm bus to HQ NCC. You may wear your No. 4 uniform to school. We will be back in school at about 5.30 pm.

S3 Spec and Part A PS are to ensure the cadets are briefed during the next training on what to expect, assisted by YouTube. Part A PS is to distribute consent forms and collect them ASAP.

Return of Donation Cards

Please return all donation cards and money to the CO ASAP!

Laser Tag Feasibility Study

USM/ASM are to discuss, plan and come up with a nominal roll (NR) for a session of Laser Tag in Term 3. Deadline for Approval of Plan (AOP): 10 June (approx 5 pages)

Begin your planning here...

Holiday Training

The Part C have requested for a training on 3 Jun (Fri), 8 am to 12.30 pm. The training activities are:

Whole unit: Defence Watch / GMK Video, basic PT
Part A: footdrill, orienteering theory and practice
Part B: armsdrill, orienteering theory and practice
Part C: Spec Course preparation, Leadership Continuum Model

Admin focus:
S1 Spec: Collection of donation cards, updating of attendance records / MCs
USM/ASM/S3 Spec: Planning of field trip and next training
S4 Spec: Unit fund, stock take (field equipment)

Please inform your parents. USM/ASM, please log in to AsknLearn to get the training notes. Prepare the PS to teach the subject.

Specialists'/Teachers Hierachy/Positions

Commanding Officer CO:
LTA Phoa Yew Hui (on leave)

Training Officer S3:

2LT Andy Ang

Mr Chang Khang En
Deputy Training Officer (DYS3):
(Cadet Officer)
Unit Sergeant Major (USM) Candidate: SSG Amir

Assistant Sergeant Major (ASM) Candidate: SSG Nicholas

S1 Specialist:
3SG Syaiful
3SG Nasri (Asst)

S3 Specialist:
3SG James
3SG Jiawei (Asst)

S4 Specialist:
1SG Amirul
3SG Sameer (Asst)
Part A Platoon Sergeant/s (PS):
SSG Melvin

3SG Hadzrul (APS)

Part B Platoon Sergeant/s (PS):
SSG Ben Song
CPL Shamil (APS)

Part C Platoon Sergeant/s:
3SG Favian

3SG Aloysius

Assisting Spec/s:

Assisting CPL

Low Attendance for SANA Course

The attendance for the SANA course is very low! Part B PS is to follow up on the attendance ASAP!

Consent Forms for Spec Course Phase Two

CPL Melvin Wong will not be going for the Phase Two Spec Course. East District will try to slot him into the West or Sea Spec Course in Week 4 of the holidays.

The remaining 6 Part Cs attending Phase 2 should hand in the consent form ASAP!

(Own transport for Spec Course)

CCA Events Management

Teacher IC: Mr Sheikh
9 Jun, 8 am to 5 pm
USM and ASM are attending.

Civil Defence Course on 24 Jun (Fri)

Attire: NCC Uniform with headdress. Selected cadets are required to bring along their school T-shirt/NCC T-shirt. No transport and lunch provided. Course Duration: 0815 hrs to 1730 hrs. Venue: HQ 2nd Civil Defence Division, 1 Tampines Industrial Ave 3 #01-01 Singapore 528777. Participants are required to bring along writing materials with them. Only cadets who complete and pass the course successfully will be awarded with a certificate and a badge by SCDF at the end of the course. HQ NCC will NOT be issuing the certificate and the badge for the Civil Defence Course.

Water Ambassador Course on 7 Jun (Tue)

Selected Part A cadets must report in No. 4 NCC uniform and bring along writing materials. Course duration is approximately 2.5 hrs, from 0830hrs to 1230hrs, at NeWater Visitor Centre (NVC), 20, Kok Sek Lim Road S(486593). All to report at Tanah Merah MRT Bus Station (leading towards Bedok) at 0830hrs where they will be ferried over to NVC. No lunch will be provided. Certificate and badges will be issued to the test by PUB to NCC Training Br.

SANA Course on 1 Jun (Wed)

Selected Part B cadets must report in No. 4 uniform with beret. Bring along writing materials (including pen and a notebook). Time: 0830hrs to 1730hrs, at SANA (Sengkang Community Hub, 2 Sengkang SQ, #05-01 S(545025)). No lunch will be provided. The Certificate and badges will be issued only after the cadets have completed the ON-LINE TEST conducted by SANA. Please hand in your forms!

June Camp replaced by Field Trip

The June Camp will NOT be held on the original dates of 11 to 13 June. This is because no teachers are available. It appears that there is no window for a June Camp. We will go for a trip instead. USM /ASM, please discuss with the CO ASAP.

Spec Course RV

Those going for Spec Course in June are to attend the Spec Course RV at HQ NCC on 24 May (Tue). The bus is leaving at 12.30 pm.

Part B IMT

The Part B IMT is on 23 May (Mon). N(A) and N(T) cadets will dismiss early from kayaking. Kayakers at Changi will be brought to Kallang by Mr Ng. The bus will depart from Damai at 1.30 pm with Exp cadets and pick up kayakers at Kallang. Please hand in your consent forms! Revise your shooting -- this test is counted towards the BUC!

Results: 2 MM, 2 P and 1 F. Results are good but attendance is poor. Part A will have to compensate for Part B's low attendance.

Part A Affirmation Ceremony and Handing Over Ceremony

The Part A Affirmation Ceremony and Handing Over Ceremony will be held on 8 Apr (Fri). The Part A will receive 1 Participation point for this standard HQ NCC sanctioned activity.

There are MOE guidelines against using public funds for celebratory food. Platoons that are paying for the food/gifts, please make your payment ASAP. The S4 Spec will co-ordinate the fund collection.


Part A Camp FORGE will be held on 20 Apr (Wed). (This is a one-day adventure training event -- not a "camp".) Forms have already been given out to the Part A cadets.

Venue: HQ NCC, Amoy Quee Camp

Hand in your forms ASAP! All Part A are to report to school at 0700 h for the 0715 bus. This is a requirement for promotion to LCP. Please produce an MC or parent's letter if you are absent. The platoon sergeant will tell you more during the next training.

Spec Course Phase 2

There are 7 places for Spec Course Phase 2. It will be held on Week 2 of the June Holidays.

FSD Competition on 26 Feb (Sat)

The 15 participants for the Freestyle Drill competition are to hand in their consent forms ASAP! The FSD ICs are to choreograph, organize and practise the competiion routine with the team.

26 Feb (Sat)
0830 - 1300

Brunei Jungle Training (13 - 23 Jun)

We are sending one Part C candidate for selection. This is a prestigious NCC course -- the NCC version of the SAF Jungle Confidence Course. You get to ride into the jungle on a Black Hawk helicopter and shoot live rounds (depends on training conditions) in the jungle range.

Please hand in your forms ASAP! Do not delay!

March Holidays

There are 7 places for the Part C Spec Course during the March holidays (15 - 17 Mar). There is also one Part C place each for Advanced Drills Course (Supernumerary) (15 - 18 Mar) and Survival Course (14 - 15 Mar).

There are 5 places for school-based first aid course (Part B and C) (14 - 15 Mar) for those who have not attended any first aid course before.

Please keep your March holidays free! Inform the Platoon Sergeant / USM / ASM if you intend to try to get selected for the course.

Part C IMT on 14 Feb (Mon)

Part C cadets who have not handed in their consent forms MUST bring the forms on Monday. Dismiss from class at 1230 and bus leaves at 1300.

RESULTS: 14 attended (2 marksmen, 11 normal passes, 1 failure)

13 Part C cadets will be eligible to go for the SAR21 Live Range.

Part C SAR21 Trainfire (25 Jan)

Part C SAR21 Trainfire is on 25 Jan (Tue). Dismiss from class at 1230 and bus out at 1300. We will be back at 1730. Please hand in your consent forms!

Watch this video

Final Attendance: 13 Part C cadets

Part B Camp STEEL

Please remember to attend Part B Camp STEEL on Wed / Thur! One more consent form is missing - you know who you are!

Final Attendance: 9 Part A cadets

Commander's Planning Guidance 2011

Maintaining the BUC Silver by hitting all aspects of the scoring system
Maintaining a decent active strength -- especially Part B

Overseas Exercise:
We will attempt to send a candidate for the Brunei ICEP / Jungle Confidence Course
We will attempt to go for an overseas YEP.

Specialists should lead by example and do their assigned admin work outside of training hours.

The unit should go for a field trip or do disimilar training at least once.

LTA (NCC) Phoa Yew Hui
Commanding Officer
Land (East) Unit
Damai Sec

2011 Sec 4 Appointments


Commanding Officer CO: LTA Phoa Yew Hui
Training Officer S3: 2LT Andy Ang
Teachers: Mr Chang Khang En


Deputy Training Officer (DYS3): (Cadet Officer)


Unit Sergeant Major (USM): SSG Dino
Assistant Sergeant Major (ASM): SSG Azreen
S1 Specialist: 3SG Bay Yong Kang, SSG Ng Jun Rong (Asst)
S3 Specialist: SSG Amirul, 3SG Ho Meng Jian (Asst)
S4 Specialist: SSG Ng Jun Rong, SSG Lai Hong Wen (Asst)


Part A Platoon Sergeant/s (PS): SSG Dino, 3SG Irfan (APS)
Part B Platoon Sergeant/s (PS): SSG Azreen, SSG Bryan (APS)
Part C Platoon Sergeant/s: 3SG Danial

Assisting Spec/s: 3SG Benedict, 3SG Jin soon, 3SG Kiat Yong
Assisting CPL CPL Hisham